Bone density, microarchitecture, and material strength in chronic kidney disease patients at the time of kidney transplantation
M J Pérez-Sáez 1 2 3, S Herrera 2 4 5, D Prieto-Alhambra 2 5 6, L Vilaplana 2 4 5, X Nogués 2 4 5, M Vera 1 2, D Redondo-Pachón 1 2 3, M Mir 1 2, R Güerri 2 4 5, M Crespo 1 2 3, A Díez-Pérez 7 8 9, J Pascual 10 11 12 Osteoporos Int. 2017 Sep;28(9):2723-2727. doi: 10.1007/s00198-017-4065-5. Epub 2017 May […]